Peace of Mind Wherever You Go

Automatically generate strong passwords
- One of the best ways to protect against identity theft is to use strong passwords for all your logins.
- Strong passwords are those that are difficult for others to guess or for a program to crack.
- The strongest passwords are those that are randomly generated combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers and symbols. For example, yQn$t2R3#k.
- It is difficult to create and memorize strong passwords without a program.
Increase your password security
- No need to use commonplace password elements such as birthdays and anniversaries or names of spouses, children or pets.
- No need to fall into the trap of dangerous conveniences such as, letting your browser save your user name and password with a Remember Me function.
Securely store all your passwords on your device
- Security results from top secret level encryption.
- Data is stored on your device so it is always available, even without an internet connection.
Program automatically syncs Harp Password on all your devices
- No effort on your part
Use a different password for each website or program
- No need to fall back on using the same password for each site or program, which is a high security risk.
Use your passwords in any browser or software
- Ability to store not only website passwords but also program passwords and protected document passwords.
Securely store any sensitive information on your device
- Such as, account numbers, credit cards numbers, pin numbers, codes, answers to security questions, etc.
Never forget another password
- Shred those post-it notes and yellow scraps of paper with disorganized lists of passwords.